
You can organize your own exchange service and make a profit with exchange operations when converting WMZ certificates and other WebMoney title units into popular means of payment or cash.

Information about your exchange service will appear:

  • In the Geo-service, which will allow potential customers to quickly find you on the map
  • In the MegaStock catalog
Open an exchanger

How to open an exchanger:


Become acquainted
with the rules

Make sure you have Personal passport and your site matches the requirements for MegaStock sellers.

Requirements for web site

Accept the Terms
and Agreements

Please read the agreement carefully regarding «Conditions for posting information about exchange services on the sites of the WebMoney Transfer system». You will be prompted to accept the agreement during the application process.


Fill out an

Checkout application for placement in the MegaStock catalog

Submit your application


Wait for a notification about the consideration of your application to be added to the catalog – verification is carried out within three working days

Please pay special attention to:

  • Wallets registered for exchange activities must NOT be used for other activities (including personal use).
  • Each Exchanger must send a preliminary request via the X19 interface before each exchange operation to check the compliance of the personal data of the owner of the WM-identifier. More
  • In case of non-compliance with the System’s requirements, the Exchanger is blocked and loses the right to conduct exchange activities